
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Children have given names that go on birth certificates and official documents. There are those nicknames and messages that abound. My daughter told me a cute story about one of my little grandsons. He told her- "Mommy you call me a monkey. Nana calls me a pumpkin!" He likes his little nicknames! A good thing! Sometimes the names we call our children and grandchildren may not be so loving! How many times do you hear- he was my little accident! Really did not want another baby! Love him anyway. Why not say- he was my wonderful surprise! Or finally after 3 girls, we had the son we always wanted! Or 2 boys and we have our little princess! Why not- we always wanted to have a boy and a girl- the millionaire's family! The black sheep in the family! Oh, she was always my troubled child! Nothing but heartache! Some of these children end up in therapy or feel they were never really loved in their families! As the adults in our children's lives remember to give praise, loving messages amidst the normal nagging that goes on! Safety and discipline mean we might not always sound so nice! Don't run into the street! Sit while you eat or you will choke! Listen to me! Negative messages or names do slip into our conversations- to be human! Children are listening but much more they are feeling! The tone of voice, the touch and the correction can save the day to reflect the love we feel for those people! Focus on the activity that needs correcting, not everything about the person. " You are not listening to me right now!" Rather than- " you never listen!" is one example. Children try our patience and do need constant supervision sometimes. Act as if you really love being around the little ones! Even if you look forward to their bed time! Even grandparents love bed time!

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of times I've heard mothers screaming at their kids in stores. More of a sad reflection on their disgusting behaviour than their kids. Unfortunately, it's harder to see and hear the good parents dealing with their kids in malls.
