
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Is the direction I learnt at a younger age. If it is a topic that is comfortable then it would will show in the writing. So this is my 800th post. I have tried to write about the areas of my life that have meaning to me. History with a little research; my postcard collection to reflect on travel stories or ventures;clinical issues taking in my years of social work and counselling experiences;whimsical because I can be silly at times; nana says to capture more clinical parenting counselling and personsal experiences; genealogy; crafts; and using my photographs to demonstrate or be symbolic in my posts to help make them interesting are some of the items I have included. When I check my stats, the posts with picutres and the whimsical ones have more reads. The clinical posts seem to be boring to most readers. I find the discipline of blogging to be helpful in keeping abreast of ideas, themes and photos to use. Readers notice I do not include my family although I do write about some aspects of my family life. If I am busy in another home like this past weekend, I do not post as I find the personal space I have created in my computer room with my notes, contact pages of photos, dictionary and thesauras allow me to write with better clarity. It is my space to think. I tried blogging from work one time and it just felt wrong. So whoever you readers are, thank you for visiting and letting me venture to new heights. I am trying to find some new themes to use. Perhaps you can suggest what you might want to hear from me and try to comment as I will answer your questions. See my postcard from posts to find my email address. So I will forge ahead with my daily routine.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always interesting and thought provoking. I agree that photos are a great way to illustrate a point and to stimulate more interest in your writing. Keep up the good work!
