
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The witches are out! Treat or Trick! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! Halloween! One of the most popular days for children here in North America. Many families now decorate their lawns for several weeks with Halloween decorations. Children go door to door getting candies and other Halloween goodies. When I was a child, some people would give an apple or a peanut or one candy! My favourite was the lady who made candy apples. Now with some of the tricks like a needle in an item, parents check their children's bags for appropriate candies. The wrapped candies are the safest. There are Halloween parties at school or friends' houses! Children wear store bought costumes in a variety of themes! My little grandsons are superheroes while my granddaughter will be Belle from Beauty and the Beast! Some people still will try to make a homemade outfit. I made clown costumes for my girls one Halloween! Last Saturday was the Halloween party time for the Adults. Apparently the business surrounding this event has boomed into a lucrative affair for many entrepreneurs! So with my pumpkins on the front porch, some bagged candies to accompany the cans of pop I give out, Halloween is about to begin. Have a very Scary time! Watch out for all the little trick and treaters on the street! If you are in the mood you can watch all those Halloween horror movies! So are you a good witch or a bad witch!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the little ones in their costumes.

    I hate seeing the tough teens in their normal street wear.
