
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Being alone is different from feeling lonely. Reading and studying are solitary activities. Writing an essay, woodworking, knitting and sewing can bring quiet moments. Garden cleanup, fixing an engine, going for a run are enjoyed best alone. Do you ever just shop alone and don't feel lonely in a crowd? Can you stay in your home alone and relish your own company? Social activities and friends are important. But knowing you can be your own best friend allows some space when you need it. But can we be alone with all the connecting with modern technology! Well devices can be turned off for a few hours. We can sleep a whole night without answering a text- can't we? Some people meditate and reflect internally about their own thoughts and being! In our busy, noisy lives should we find moments alone? What do you think? Do you find quiet times in the day for just yourself? Or does being alone scare you? Do you find yourself running to situations where you can be part of a crowd?

1 comment:

  1. I often enjoy being alone. When I lived in the country, I loved the quiet and walking in my woods alone with my dogs.

    But, there are times now that I enjoy being in a crowd. At least for a little while.

    The best times these days are when we get together with our families for a few hours of socializing.
