
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Or trying to feel less depressed. Do you get into a funk? While talking to a friend who is in a funk, it occurred to me that many people can feel this way. My friend is starting an exercise class, trying to work on a project and finding some resolution to a family crisis. Did it ever occur to all of us that sometimes there is just too much to consider and a little "crash" may be necessary to regroup? Not robots! People! And people with emotions and feelings! Sounds corny but the best advice is to get started on something! Quiet activities- finishing the book, tidying a closet, donating used items to a charity, short walks, and whatever brings some sense of moving forward. Last year at this time I was in a funk- worrying about the folks out west. This year my energy and completion of activities has helped me to live my life. Pushing my husband to write his posts for his blog! Fixing some corners of the house! Supporting my family! Funks are debilitating but with a little help from your friends and meaningful activities and self reflection, this too shall pass!

1 comment:

  1. Usually, I escape into a book. I find cloudy, wet weather affects my outlook. I always seem to come out of a funk when the sun comes out. Or, out of the blue, someone sends me an email that cheers me up.
