
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 21, 2012


The first Christmas without a loved one is different. This is the first Christmas both my son-in-law and I do not have our Moms. Even though I did not spend Chrismas with my Mom the last few years as she would not travel much after the age of 80, there is still the reminder she is not here. The special gift or flower arrangement or card are not on my list anymore. Even when marriages happen and children must go to more than one function, sorting out whose house and what day, what time they will spend with which family can be complicated or not. Family moves away and the distance is felt at Christmas. All the texting, emails and phone calls does not make up for the person not being in the room or at the dinner table. Having some reminders of the person can help. My Mom was a "depression" Mom. She lived through the Great Depression and did not receive much at Christmas time so she tried to make Christmas special for us. Our stocking always had a large delicious apple in it along with other treats. So each Christmas I must have some delicious apples in a basket on the table. Red carnations remind my husband of his Mom. So traditions can include little things that have meaning to the people present without being morbid! All the letters, cards and emails received can be displayed in a prominent place. Remembering people we love is a good way to honour family and life! Do you do something meaningful for the lost ones in your life? Do you have little traditions unique to you?

1 comment:

  1. Christmas is a good time to remember those no longer with us. I usually dig out my family photo albums (paper and digital)and think of earlier times. Then, I charge up my camera batteries so I'm ready to take more photos of those still with us.
