
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


With all the social media, allowing credit card companies to know our financial business and sharing our lives, it is difficult to maintain real privacy. Some people allow their lives to be open books to everyone while others only try to share only with certain friends and family. Trusting that your confidence will not be broken is very important. Loose lips sink ships is my motto! If I do not share what someone has told me with anyone, then I can not be part of a gossip circle. If asked a question, simple answer- don't know! There is power with knowledge! Don't you love it when new information comes out- " I knew that all along" will come from those in your life who like to know everything about everyone. Well who cares! Eventually, new news becomes old news. As a social worker, confidentialiy is paramount. So work colleagues and friends will share concerns and information in a safe way! So are you a trusted friend? Do you like to maintain your own privacy about certain aspects of your life? Do you like to be an open book for all to see? Privacy, private thoughts and confidentiality are interesting concepts in this modern world!

1 comment:

  1. Privacy is now impossible if it involves anything written with computers or spoken over the phone or using credit cards.
