
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 7, 2012


December is in full swing with the last minute preparations for the festivities. Work dinner/dance tonight and a work pot luck next week are some of the fun things for me and my group of acquaintances. It is fun to belong to social situations. The year I was laid off, it was difficult not to be part of such events. So look around you, are there people that could be added to your functions. Someone who could benefit from a social gathering. If you have a Christmas open house, could you add one more person? Even though many people complain there is too much to do and too many events, there is an undercurrent of real enjoyment and belonging when invited. If taken away, there is an emptiness. Adding people to events, does fill up the room and give some real social time to those people. Quieter family Christmas Eve and Christmas dinners may be your choice too. After the buzz of the season it is comforting to look forward to some quality family time with smaller gatherings. There are so many plays and concerts too that can bring a lonely person to a social gathering. Buy a ticket for one and go join in the fun. Of course, the church doors are open everywhere. We all know that the great bakers will bring their goods to Church socials, dinners and pot lucks. Parties and fun, joining others in celebration are some of the Christian values of reaching out to others! Worship with others could not be more Christian and the real meaning of the season!

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