
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Life has its twists and turns; its ups and downs; its good time and bad times- the list could go on! Resilience allows us to bounce back and take whatever life can deal us! I have learnt to have a backup plan. I usually ask myself- what is the worst thing that could happen in this situation- what do I do? What is the second worst thing- what do I do? How can I be proactive so the worst does not happen? If it does, can I get through it? As we all age, we have coped and dealt with many misfortunes. Believe it or not the skin has become tougher so there are skills and abilities that help us get to the end of the tunnel! It does not mean there is no pain, no anxiety, no depression and sometimes lots of crying! Even- the why me? Remember life is not fair! Some people honestly do not deal with the same issues as others. Some get all aces while others get all 2s in the deck of life! It is what is done with the cards and how we play them! Resilience! Resilient! Are these words in your consciousness? Can you reflect on your life realizing- yes, I am resilient! I have made it through many tough times!

1 comment:

  1. Setbacks force us to take risks, learn, and grow. Resilient people have a positive attitude, optimism, the ability to regulate emotions, and to see failure as a form of helpful feedback. Been there and have the T-shirt. Of course, it helps to have someone to help you get back up and carry on.
