
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Nothing says Christmas like a wreath. They come in all shapes and sizes. Most homes will have one somewhere- often on a front door. Using local pine cones and pretty bought corsages, and a metal ring, this one has served several years. Perhaps needing some new pinecones to fill the empty spots. Remember my story from last year, the squirrel had been helping himself to some!

Using a variety of items from Christmas past, new wreaths can be created. Using a foam circle and pinning the fake apples on it to give some colour and putting it on a door leading from one room to the next, it fills an empty spot. The items were used at one time on garland on the staircase.

Balconies are welcome places for any wreath.
Hanging over our heads, helping to make the house festive brings Christmas to the hallway.

 Of course, a new addition from last year, the purple wreath over the grill of the fireplace to compliment the purple theme in the Family Room.

Working on a new wreath, using just gold and red bulbs with some recycled ribbon and old red tree decorations will need its own spot in the house. Wreaths are so pretty. Do you have some in your home? Did you make them? Or do you just buy the ready made store ones? They are a way to use decorations that don't make it to your Christmas tree anymore!

1 comment:

  1. You are a crafty woman! They all look great. And the photos as well!

    Only one wreath here, by the front door.
