
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


As we age the magic of Christmas fades and becomes a series of tasks to be done. Then little children come along and remind us of the magic. Visiting the Christmas story of Jesus in the manger and providing a creche to act out the story helps with the process. Decorating with items that can be touched and enjoyed give children and grandparents a chance to share some moments together. While babysitting two of my grandsons after work, we were turning on the musical ornaments, playing with the Hallmark snowman items, and building a huge tower with some decorative Christmas boxes while waiting for "Mommy" to pick them up. Letting little children direct their play can be fun. Having some Christmas hats to wear rounded out the play. In the "hustle and bustle" of the season, find moments just to slow down and enjoy the little children in your life. Watching my grandsons running around with the hats- bought at the Dollar store- well for a dollar was enjoyable. Since parents are busy with work, shopping and creating those Santa moments, grandparents can create some good memories for their family members. A reminder that many Christmas decorations that can be broken are left in boxes in the closet to be put out when the grandchildren are older. I love my home to be fun so I have the items that can be touched out on tables. The next visit may include some spontaneous craft moments with the older granddaughter when she comes. There is so much pressure for parents this time of year with the constant reminders for children to be good - Santa is watching! So children and grandparents together can be the relief needed. Besides as grandparents, aren't we all just little children at heart anyway!!

1 comment:

  1. Little children are a blessing for grand-parents to enjoy at Christmas time ...
