
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, December 10, 2012


The panic is in the air. If shopping is not started, people are worried how will it be done. Houses decorated, lights up, presents needing wrapping and social functions in full swing make the season busy. Slow down and write a list, prioritize and use modern methods. Gift wrapping for example can be done at the store or at a mall booth where for a nominal fee someone else does it for you. Gift bags and tissue or just decorative gift boxes make it easy and inexpensive. Buy the significant items for the holiday meals- once the turkey, ham or roast is bought- the rest of the meal falls into place. Homemade baking is good but remember there are many bake shops and sections of the supermarkets just waiting for your businsess. Many families share the load with everyone bringing a dish to holiday meals. Who invented gift baskets? They are a treat and a great help to last minute shoppers. A beautiful flower arrangement is a welcome addition to anyone's home. If Christmas is about family, slow down to enjoy the family. Slow down and enjoy your friends and work colleagues. So take your finger off the panic button! It's okay all will be done!

And the mess will be put away in time!


  1. Right! This from the woman who probably finished shopping and wrapping weeks ago.

    Shopping is easy for us procrastinators: all you need to do is buy a gift card and stick it in the Christmas card.

  2. Yes that works wonders! With all the sales after Christmas and into January, the recipients have the time to buy something special! But don't you love getting new socks or a shirt! What would Christmas be without such gifts!
