
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well as we all know, teenagers say things that are not so cute- swear, scarcasm, etc. When they were little, they did say some cute things. As I was pulling my two grandsons in the little wagon yesterday, I recalled the time I was pulling my granddaughter years ago. Around and around the garden! I was getting tired! Finally, I said, "Sophia, Nana sure is your Donkey! "She said, " No Nana, you are my Horsie!" We find our youngest grandson calling Adolph- Papa instead of Granpa very endearing! Like another Papa in the family who probably finds it warms his heart to be called the name! Even the speech development- our little grandson used a four word sentence-  I don't want to! Could have been five if he said do not! Listening to children and what they have to say, the questions they ask and what they remember means stopping and paying attention to them. We all know that is why it is important not to swear, do not talk about anyone or say something we do not want repeated! Do the children and grandchildren in your lives say some sweet things?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they do. It's amazing to watch their vocabulary and sentence structure grow as they move from toddler to school age.

    And, yes, I love being referred to as "Papa" by my grand-kids! It's very special to me and I have my 'kids' to thank for it.
