
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Once a month I present to the new group of nurses hired at the hospital- End of Life Issues. I give a clinical Social Work perspective along with the need to be part of the team who cares for our patients and supports our families. Looking at clinical strategies, needs, feelings, instrumental tasks (example-is there a will) and support of the team are a few of the areas I focus in my discussion. Case examples that are relative to the areas where the nurses may be working. If in the Woman and Child Program, a case or two involving a baby death. If ER, maybe a case I handled while covering for my colleague when she is on vacation or away. It is a tough presentation as it can trigger issues with the audience as well as being the last talk of the day. There are always one or two people fighting sleep who hear the whole presentation with their eyes shut and nodding. I use my photos to illustrate some points as my wholistic approach to treatment is presented as well. It is interesting too that I really do not use my own personal experiences as clinically I feel they do not belong there. It was one of the first tasks I had when returning from the week out west at my own mother's funeral. For me, there is always a case or two that I am supporting on one of the floors where a person or family is facing this dilemma. Along with realism, the need for hope is always allowed.

Why do you think I use a picture with a Monarch butterfly in my talk?

Or a picture with raindrops?

I always use this picture to end my talk. Sometimes the group will have comments and ideas but often just look with no participation. Lately I have been taking some photos that perhaps could be incorporated into the presentation. It is a tough area to present. It can trigger feelings. Any thoughts or ideas? Did it trigger anything with you and your loved ones?


  1. Butterflies symbolize, among many other things, change.

    Raindrops could symbolize tears.

    The railway, curving away into the distance, may symbolize departure.

    I think photos can be used well in presentations like this.

    Other photo ideas might include a pair of old hands, two hands (one old and one infant), a dignified old face, and so on.
