
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


With the arrival of July, the vegetable garden continues to produce food for the table. Lettuce, beans, and a first little cucumber make the concept of self sufficiency feel good. One little plot can produce lots of food. Here in Ontario and especially Toronto, there are small garden plots. Some High Rise buildings open up garden plots for their tenants to have their own hand at growing some summer bounty. By toiling the soil and weeding and watering the garden responds. The vegetable garden is the work of my husband Adolph. World wide there are opportunities for people to maintain independence by providing some of their own food. Supporting our local farmers whether it is fruit, vegetables, honey or eggs, we all can have a part in sustaining the earth and using the resources wisely. We compose and use the broken down matter in the garden and flower beds. Back to our little plot and the minimal amount of work needed. Unlike the farmers, no $100,000 plus farm equipment- just some simple tools and lots of elbow grease!

Do you see any cucumbers yet? For a couple of months, fresh picked food from the garden or a local farmer's market sure make the summer months enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. What a great garden! My two main veggies are different varieties of tomatoes and basil, destined for salads, especially caprese salad. There's nothing better than fresh stuff from the garden.
