
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, March 14, 2011


But the people I need to help. Many times I am asked how I can do the job I do. The emotions, the situation, the feelings. We are taught as Social Workers, Therapists to be objective. To put our feelings aside. For me, I have learnt to say this phrase in my head- it's not about me but what does this person need. It's their anger, not mine, what does it mean. By not personalizing the pain, and dealing with the pain, it allows me and other therapists to facilitate, help the person/family/situation to be given what they need, not what I need. Debriefing, talking to team members, normalizing my feelings as a caregiver help to deal with the situation after the crisis has passed. Helping others, means helping others and not projecting my feelings on a situation. I work in Health Care and it never seems to amaze me how simple it is or complex it is to be there for the other person and help them obtain what they need. I do not cry at funerals as it is about the family and allowing them to grieve. It is not about me but what I can bring to the situation to help the situation. I do shed some tears at weddings as they are happy, new beginning situations. What about you? Can you put your feelings aside to help someone? A hug! Support! It is about the other person- just be there, support, be a friend! With care, love, compassion- be human!

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. Putting the needs of others first. When we do, our needs are often met as well.
