I love taking photos. Always loved the printed image. A moment in time.
A picture speaks a thousand words.
Birthday goodies in January.
Vintage Richmond Hill Winter Carnival buttons.
Thank you to our Health Care providers.
The Rapid Transit in Richmond Hill is finished after several years of construction.
Easter at a daughter's home.
Spring flowers covered in snow!
Spring flowers.

Mother's Day remotely.
Discarded masks become a litter issue everywhere.
A granddaughter turns 16.
A memorial plaque.
Sad discovery of unmarked graves. Every Child Matters!!
Day trip to Parkwood Mansion in Oshawa.
The beautiful Monarch Butterfly.
A wonderful Lavendar garden in Mount Albert.
Water park and fun for the grandchildren.
A summer day trip with friends to downtown Toronto.
Tobermory Bruce Pennisula for a short family vacation August/September.
Pebbles from Sauble Beach.
Outdoor art show in Richmond Hill. Doable during Covid as it was outdoors and everyone wore masks.
Those beautiful Ontario Sunflowers.
Grandson picking a pumpkin!
An outing to the McMichael Collection Kleinburg Ontario. One of my favourite places.
Ontario apples freshly picked from the farm.
An outing with family to the Round The Bend Farm. Feeding the animals and finding some pumpkins.
Oak leaves during an Ontario Fall.
My pathetic little Halloween display.
Some local Richmond Hill restaurants with outdoor patios for patrons.
One of many birthday cakes for family!!
Richmond Hill Arts Council first Arts Festival at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts. Notice the hand sanitizer station.
Christmas light park in Milton.
Oh those Covid-19 test kits. Fun!!
Christmas treats.
A wonderful yule log cake.
More Christmas treats.
Covid changed the number of outings and ventures away from home. But making the most of what I did do was the important message.
I look forward to taking more pictures in the New Year. I will venture around my community to see what I can find.
2021 was as good as it could be. So I am well enough.
I hope your 2021 was good.