
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Organizing and scrapbooking photos and memorabilia this week made think about the photos in our lives. Lucky to connect with second cousins so have acquired older generations of photos to add to family history has brought great joy. Seeing how a great-grandparent looked brings the picture to the name.
My modern photos of the grandchildren at parties and dinners just makes me smile. The faces, the moods, the fun of it all.
I have made some photobooks online but need to make some themed ones.
I print some of my photos but not all. The photos I use in this blog are not usually printed. If it is good one then I make an enlargement.
I give photos away too. Sometimes when looking at an album I realize the person in the album may like the picture better than just keeping it in my book on my shelf.
I sent a pile of photos for example of one my nephews as a baby because I thought he could share them with his own daughter.
It is interesting when we take pictures- birthdays, Christmas, vacations, special events. Just leaving them in a cell phone is a waste to me.
Or saving 5000 pictures in the cloud! What if the cloud went puff??
So I have my photos in various places but many get printed in duplicate so I can share with family and friends.
For me, I take lots of pictures that are symbolic to me. Themes like fences, flowers, butterflies, buildings, art- well you have seen some of these images if you visit my blog regularly.
I am considering putting some of my photos in those sites where they can be sold. I have about 5 good local ones I may make into postcards.
A photo is a split second of life. Yet it can say so much about our lives.
What do you think about your own photos? What photos in history has impacted your conscienceness? What is your favourite photo of your child? Your spouse? Your family?


  1. It's a good policy to back up photos from your cell phone to a flash drive. You can duplicate the flash drive to other flash drives and give one each to your close relatives. Guarantees photo protection.

  2. Good suggestions. From one photographer to another.
