
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, January 21, 2019


Blue Monday. January 21. Why because we are in the thick of winter! All the Christmas bills are in! There is no hoopla like the festive season.
Here in the GTA it is freezing cold. Other parts of Canada are digging out of lots of snow over the weekend. I only shoveled my driveway 3 times and cleaned out the end of the driveway from the plow about 3 times.
A good day to stay indoors. If outside bundling up with warm layers and covering exposed skin.
As I sit here in my retirement, getting some basic things done and an email sent, I am enjoying the sun. Even though it is supposed to be a blue Monday the days are longer. One month after the winter solstice the sun is returning to us. With the warm sunshine beating down on us, I do not feel blue. Soon I will head to my craft room to continue on a much needed January project of organizing and scrapbooking my photos and memorabilia.
If I get bored with that task, back to the computer and some needed genealogy writing to continue.
So an outing to see my littlest granddaughter in a play yesterday and a family birthday celebration, I do not have to cook but have lots of leftovers to eat.
So how are you doing on this Monday? Are you embracing the fact that winter is moving along and the sun is really returning to us?

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