
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Birthdays are a way to a rite of passage. So today turning 69 let's me have one more year before 70. My grandsons laugh about the number due to its sexual connotation. I actually graduated High School in "69! It was funny then too!
Celebrating life is easy with a birthday. Cake and food and company. I don't mind the hoopla. I have a husband that does not like to be bothered about it at all!!
To reach this age is a blessing. I have lost friends and relatives at younger ages. Some relatives at older ages so I still have to catch up to them. My Mom died at age 89. She always thought she would die at age 39- the same age as her mother. Well she had another 50 years on her didn't she??
I just hope I continue to take care of myself and feel well enough to do some of the things I want to accomplish. The time I want to spend with my family. There are places I would like to see.
So a birthday. Will order some takeout for Adolph and me. There was a nice birthday celebration last Sunday with the family. I will received birthday wishes from near and far.
So here I am at 69. It feels quite good actually.


  1. It's a bit of a cliche but I always say 'having another birthday beats the alternative ... not having another birthday'!
