
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


With several books and philosophies on decluttering, it seems the word is in our face constantly. As a senior, the need to downsize eventually and well rid myself of my stuff. Well some of it. What is wrong with having some stuff??
For example, I love books and have lots of them. Over the years, I have weeded books from my collection. Sold some. Donated some. So I do not have every book I have ever owned. My children left me their books that I hope one day they will claim. You know what happens. The minute I give them away they will want them.
I have given away clothes regularly. My garage is neater and a constant job in process. I take stuff from the house. Let it sit in the garage. Then decide- sell, donate or to the curb.
Many pieces of furniture are marked for donations when it is time to move.
I love the emphasis on perfectly organized drawers and closets. Nice in magazines but not very realistic in real time.
If one lives alone, no problem. Once a spouse, children or in-laws it becomes harder to maintain.
Beside does being an obsessive neat freak, mean you are better organized than someone that may have a little mess. Is creative time wasted in organizing and being neat? Probably!!
For me to do any project means there must be a creative space. Not the whole house but contained in a room or two.
No matter how neat or messy my house is, I always know where everything can be found. My clothes are colour coordinated. A room has a label. My computer room. My craft room. The dining room. The living room is now the play area when the grandchildren come over. The family room is Adolph's room. Items go back to the room where they belong.
Trying to go digital with family history and some photos. But even the digital world can have too many files and stuff. Do we need 10,000 photos on our computers? Or all our pictures in our cell phones.
As a clinician, it is a fact that stuff has an emotional connection. If things help maintain good mental health, is it a bad thing? Things are a visual way of assessing what we have accomplished.
What can be wrong with being sentimental about some items? Memorabilia from a trip brings back memories. Again containment is the key word for me. Books for example can be contained to a number of shelves. If overflow, then time to weed.
There are collections in people's home. Not hoarding but collecting. Art. Pottery. Items of personal interest. Art galleries and museums are full of collections too. We do not ask them to declutter!!
So how do you consider how your process of decluttering is going? Do you like your stuff? All of it or just some of it??

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