
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


No matter how organized about preparation for the day and coordinating the lessons, September is a time to readjust to new grades, new schedules at work, lessons for the children and family obligations. Giving yourself time to adjust takes patience that often is difficult with the daily demands and whines of children! Slow down when you can! Make dinner a time to ask everyone how their day went! Or you can make it on the run like everything else and keep the pressure going! Have a midweek treat! Rely on the support team like the grandparents! Take it like everything else, one day at a time! The morning rush when children can be annoying with fighting and forgetting things or needing to pee at the last moment is painful! Try and Nana knows it is difficult to have patience. Even starting the routine leaving 15 minutes earlier than needed can give a breathing period if things get bogged down! Forgive yourself for not being a perfect parent! Yes, other parents may look as if they are managing better than you but stop looking at them and know you are doing the best job possible. Every time you think there has been a negative moment, hugs, I love you and we'll have time together later can help ease the moment! Some one said parenting is one of the toughest jobs so know your choice to have a family and raise those children was an honourable one! You will get through the day and the week, finding the positive, loving moments to enjoy! Like bedtime when the little ones are asleep and do look angelic!

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