
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2021


 As we slowly return to our new normal out of covid lockdowns, the mental health piece has been huge.

Anxiety with a capital A does prevail.

Some are jumping into everything with both feet. But the talk does revolve around the anxiety of the next steps.

Post traumatic stress is only beginning to raise its ugly head.

Knowing what it is and how to cope will be the new buzz words I am sure.

It is like we are all coming out of a war zone here in Canada. But many parts of the world are still facing the full thrust of Covid.

With travel we do not want the variants travelling here. Get anxious about that. Stressful about the travel thing. 

Preparing for everything but hoping for the best. 

I just like that I had three sleepovers with grandchildren. Three of the Six are double vaxxed. We are waiting for the little ones to be able to be vaccinated.

We are hoping for other people in hot zones to get vaccinated in Ontario. We are hoping for people in poorer countries to get vaccinated. 

Even without feeling anxious or stressed it raises its ugly head.


Sunday, February 4, 2018


There are different types of leadership. Laissez faire. The Participative leader. The Transactional leader. The Transformational leader.
For those under the rule of the Autocratic leader, it can be a stifling work environment. So how to survive.

1. Recognize that this is the style of the manager or workplace. Research the style. Okay if in the Army but most workplaces suffer under this leadership style. Like it or lump it attitude. Do it my way!

2. Keep yours ideas and thoughts to yourself. The leader does not care how you feel. Even in group discussions thinking outside the box is not welcome. The manager wants head nodding and approval of his or her ideas. Not yours.

3. Find ways to put meaning in your job. Keep your professional integrity. Whatever your discipline use the knowledge base you have. Concentrate on the client group.

4. Understand the Autocratic leader may have many insecurities. So be careful. Often perfectionists!

5. When the style just becomes intolerable, start to put in place your own confidential exit plan. Life is too short to live under a dictatorship at work when living in a democracy. Autocratic managers create unwarranted stress and anxiety in their workforce personnel. Your own mental and physical health is worth more to you.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017


School, office and home parties are here. Had the Pot Luck at work. It was a fun time. Made my cheese and cold cut platter with cherry tomatoes, olives and strawberries. Put little Christmas decorations on it.
Hauling in gifts to various people every day so my house is a little less cluttered. Some presents have arrived for under my tree. So festive!
But when it rains it pours. Still no new stove. Buying a new car. Adolph's wound is healing. So not just Christmas but other stuff happening for us.
As with most people that make the magic happen, it can be tiring and stressful. So remember lots of sleep, healthy eating, keep well!

                                               Lots of colour to keep your mood happy!

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Being under constant stress for the little things can wear a person out. So finding stress breaks throughout the day are vital. For me, leaving the building and going to my favourite bench to eat quietly and reflect. At night a little cat nap outside to enjoy the evening. Walking away from conflict and deciding which battle to fight helps many people. Getting things done so there is less stress thinking about what needs to be done. The topic of stress and stress release is a large topic so more will be coming. It just seemed it was on my mind today and maybe I needed to reflect on how I could manage my stress levels. How about you? Are there projects and areas of your life that are causing stress?
                   Sometimes some pretty flowers and a place to sit and enjoy works too!

Monday, June 5, 2017


Monday, Monday can't stand that day or something like that were the words to the Mama and Papas song. Weekends in the warmer months are too short. So much to do and the amount of rain has slowed down outdoor activities. Enjoying a weekend outside always refreshes the soul. For people with pools or cottages it is important to use those facilities too. So here it is Monday with the demands of another work week. Some weeks busier than others. Coverage, monthly talk, learning a new computer program all make for a stressful time. So trying to find ways to curb the stress! One day at a time. Light at night helps with the mood too. How is your Monday? Does it feel stressful? Do you have demands at home too?
                 Sometimes just looking at the beauty of nature can help us busy bees!

Thursday, November 24, 2016


The energy level starts to increase. Christmas parties at work and home. Buying presents and wrapping or just gift cards for all become decisions to be made. Black Friday with all the deals so many waited to purchase those big ticket items. Decorating the home inside and out. Finishing or starting the correspondence for the season. Keeping an eye on the weather as it can put a hamper on events- well Christians get the picture! What church services to attend? By pacing oneself and doing small tasks at a time the season can be managed. Decide on paper what is most important to do! Family events can cause undue stress too. Whose home does the old grandmother need a bed for Christmas Eve? The unmarried uncle who contributes nothing but expects to be entertained. For most situations it is the busy woman trying to put it all together. So pull in any men folk and give them chores and little jobs to do. For example, if a special item ordered online can only be picked up at certain stores- send him. Taking parcels to the post office or other courier service, hello another job for him! I always advice young wives to give a job to their spouse. Men do not read minds nor do they really see all the tasks to be done. So alleviating some stress by having the lists visible and negotiating who can do what and when. Wrapping presents together can be an activity after the children go to bed! Get out the Christmas books and read as a family. Find simple quiet tasks that are needed to do together. Always what memories do you want to create for your family! Little children want to be part of everything. Let them help to decorate the tree too. Yes there are picture perfect ways to have a home done but if there are children then some adjustments can be made. What is fun for them? Stress is a huge topic and more may be said. But start with taking a deep breath, exhale, and go forward!

Monday, June 27, 2016


A wonderful weekend ending in a Monday morning! After the Brexit vote, the markets may be volative again. Will our dollar go up or down? How will traffic be? Work- what happened over the weekend! Any new issues or crises? Monday with its uncertainity can be the most stressful day of the week. This week with school ending causes concern for parents trying to decide what to do with their children if those decisions were not made back in Februray.   It just seems the weekends get shorter and the work week longer or is it just me trying to look at life throught a turn in my Kaleidoscope? monday

Thursday, June 16, 2016


June often has that feeling of preChristmas frenzy. End of school. Recitals. Sports events. Planning for summer. Finishing planting the garden. What home renovations to do over the summer? We live in hectic lives that we create. So how to handle it all! Well try not to have to do it all. A summer vacation can be 3 weeks on the road travelling from place to place to see it all or travel to one place and use it as a home base. Whatever the choice to find ways to make it doable and fun. June is the time for planning without the real travel. Planning and organizing with all the ideas, then keep the good ones. Young families often need grandparent support so figure out what is needed. Working folks need to ask for vacation days and often have coverage for their absence. Getting their work in order before going away can make extra stress at work. Stress is manageable as long as one does not create more. Knowing each June is busy and that's the norm can be like that preparation for Christmas. Start early and do a little at a time! Remember the longest days are in June so try to use those evenings to be outside taking in those longer days!

So try not to head off in all directions or you will feel like you are spinning your wheels!stress

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Comfort food often helps us with stress. The word comfort is important as it has a soothing tone to it. Chocolate the forbidden food now has some medicinal purposes in modern times. In moderation a bit of it in our day is not harmful! Eating a good balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruit is a must to help with any stress in our lives. Exercise really helps also! But enjoying one's life with some simple pleasures makes a happier life!  A chocolate fountain-how comforting can that be! Yes dipping the fruit in it makes a double reward!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Everyone has stuff. Things to do. A life. How we handle the daily stresses can make or break a good life. There can be a competition of who has more and who is more stressed. But sometimes can it be- much ado about nothing? Everyone has to get up in the morning and has a routine- less stress. Keeping items topped up in the home so there are no midnight jaunts to the supermarket, although it can be fun periodically to shop at odd times! Meetings where just about everyone has diverging opinions and there is no consensus! Why don't they listen to me, I Know I am right????  One cares about dinner and the other one does not. Strategies when life is getting into a tizzy to step back and decide- is this stress really worth it! Is it really stress or just my reaction to it! Having too much to do can tip the scales! Parents with young children have many daily activities just to get through the day! Waiting for major events to finish! Looking forward to some good times but take effort to make them happen! Stress can be self induced. Busy, busy, busy- have to run! So much to do! Then they could be a time in one's life where there is so much less to do. Do you ever hear people talk about boredom and being idle, wanting to be busier! Wanting the stress back! Oh well, much ado about nothing! A Shakespeare play- perhaps time to reread it and take another stab at the topic! Or just cruise through the day with the light being the return home to reflect or not!
Or think about a favourite lake and sail away on your favourite sailboat!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Lights in a blur like the frenzy of the season as it speeds up. So much to do! So how to manage it. Slow down and focus on one activity at a time. Christmas shopping can have themes. Rather than something different for everyone- a theme of tops or books or even gift cards to favourite places. If a crafter, making the same item but in different colours so no need to learn a new pattern every time. Remember it is not just about gift giving so the family events can bring lots of fun too. Everyone makes a dish or baked good so the load is off any one person to do it all! My children often rent a playground place close to Christmas so a group of friends with children can all enjoy an evening out with no one taking on the mess of clean up! However part of the season is to feel the frenzy and fun. Parties, dinners out or taking a small present to a special person in your life can bring a smile to your face. I remember walking home from work last year and seeing people with  little gift bags in their hands. The joy, the fun- when someone receives something it can bring a smile. I like to try to wrap with a little flair. This year I have lots of string ribbon so have devised a way to put 6 strands in the middle for a little extra something on top of a gift. Easy and I will use up lots of the ribbon I have. So sort through the Christmas stuff you have stock piled and use up your resources at hand. I found by pulling everything out, I found stuff I forgot I had. Of course having an area in your place where you can leave the wrapping so it is easy to grab what is needed. That space is my balcony and a corner of my bedroom- messy but only temporarily! The Christmas lights on the streets and businesses always bring me pleasure. I love the colours. Happy colours! So if stressed, stop and find something in the season you love- the lights? the music? a movie? or just a favourite drink- sit by the window and watch the snow come down! The season is just picking up. So if the heavy work is done like the outside lights, decorating the house, finalizing plans- December can begin with fun rather than just stress. Well there is always some stress but it means you are alive!

Monday, August 24, 2015


Change in our lives can bring up many feelings of trepidation. There is change for the good and change for the bad. Sometimes thrust upon us while other times the choices are ones we make. Even planned choices can bring stress and worry. Summer to fall brings many changes for us. The back to school stress along with the planned lessons and leaving summer jobs to a new routine again. Thinking about when to close the family cottage which often happens closer to Thanksgiving. The older we get the more changes we need to make. It can be why we often have favourite things in our lives we do not want to relinquish because all life long changes were imposed on us. Work often comes up with a new way of doing our job. Encouraging all staff to embrace it. Get modern! Get with the times! Throw out the old. Politicians campaigning talk about all the new programs and new ways things will get done. Rarely do we get asked- do you really want any changes or do you like the status quo? Challenges can keep us on our toes. Make us stretch ourselves. But sometimes just doing some things the same way bring peace and comfort. When change is coming my way I find my head starts to get a little fuzzy. Making lists of what needs to get done- helps but it is not the whole solution! The mood can change to real anger about all that needs to get done. Trying to stay grounded can be difficult. Young people often accuse the older generation of not changing but actually it is the opposite. Older people often say- done that, been there. Like the young parents with how stressed we are with work and the lessons. My generation did the same thing. It is why there is greater sensitivity and a willingness to assist family as much as possible. The understanding of how stressful it really can be. The older generation gets it! So change and all it brings- do you embrace or loathe it? I am not too sure how I feel today. Perhaps I'll give my answer another time!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


As families return from those March Break vacations and staycations, many return with colds, fevers and little bugs acquired while away. All the fun and stress of enjoyment and togetherness also brings sickness too. Confined in hotel rooms and airplanes can bring a new set of germs. Hard to tell working parents to relax, rest and renew your energy. Many return to work with assignments on a desk. However at home, it could be a time before the Easter weekend to go to bed earlier, drink plenty of liquids and eat healthy. Take care of any little illness before it becomes larger. The weather changes does not help as the warm to cool to winter conditions to warmer days are a pool of germs waiting to happen. Trying to get fresh air away from others does wonders for the body! Remember even good times from travel bring many stresses- like the airport waits! So slowly get back to your routines- don't push yourself Mom and Dad! Hold onto that relaxed vacation feeling! Of course there are always pictures!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Parenting brings lots of work and busyness for any parent. Regardless of the help and participation Dads bring to the table, many tasks and activities continue to fall to Moms. Learning how to share the load and encouraging children-even little ones to do some tasks takes time and dedication. Often it is just easier to do it yourself!! However, there can be a banner carried secretly by showing the world- look at me, look at what I am doing, look at how busy I am- my busy is busier than your busy! Finding ways to find time to do things that are not parenting things can be difficult. Yes I know- many people have Nannies and full time housekeepers- those mothers have it very easy. I am talking about the couples who do it all themselves. The Mom with the full time job, cleans their own home and the numerous lessons is the one I worry will not know when to stop. Using other generations in the family can be helpful. My husband and I do provide some overnight babysitting so the couples in our lives can have a "date night" alone without the children. As long as they make a deal not to talk about the children. So Moms find ways to find yourself. Many women like the idea of gym time, go for a run or walk, clubs, committees or other activities outside the home that do not include their normal chores. For the generations before you- we get it, we have done that and been there. No one said raising a family would be easy!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Early morning photos of snow covered benches and trees bring a different perspective to a common scene. Like life, it is good to view some aspects differently. Taking time away from a stressful situation can bring a clarity that gets missed if immersed in it! Slowing down and feeling an event can allow time for healing too! Distancing oneself from negativity can allow the positive energy to return to our inner souls! The Christmas season can bring mixed feelings too. The demands of family events and the need to sit back and enjoy can be conflictual. Finding the balance may take work! Or sometimes just stop and photograph a pretty scene!

Monday, January 7, 2013


No more stat days for a month or so! To begin the 5 day weeks in winter is where creativity and endurance must prevail. It tires us out. Winter working with the stress of bad weather saps energy!  The darkness of winter nights invites an early bedtime or long sits on the couch watching TV. Pushing through these feelings to plan, organize, create and to use the idle winter nights in a positive manner allows a sense of accomplishment. January the beginning of a new year always puts some pressure to do something different! Why not just finish the many things started in the old year or to continue with the pleasurable activities? Of course weather watching becomes a fulltime activity with the fear of bad roads on the way to work! A good working furnace to keep us warm! Winter brings an added stress at a deeper level of our consciousness! Like the preparation for the winter of our lives! No wonder most of us like Spring better! Are you struggling with the long winter? Are you finding it difficult to energize and do needed tasks? What strategies work for you?

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Christmas season with all its tasks, parties and expectations can be stressful at the best of times. By planning and organizing and perhaps doing less, it can be enjoyed. Shopping has become easier with online shopping, gift cards at so many stores, and longer store hours. Making a list and strategizing what needs a personal visit to a store and what can be ordered is a simple list. Flowers, cookies and gift baskets are wonderful festive gifts from a simple online order or phone call. Writing one newsletter and printing copies that can be tucked in Christmas cards saves lots of writing. Or email the newsletter as an attachment so your friend or family member has some update from you. Follow up with personal phone calls in the New Year. January is a great time to reconnect with people as well! You have lots of time and less pressure. Bake a few items if wanted but remember there are many great bakeries or sections of grocery stores that can help you. At any big dinner let everyone bring a food item so all the work does not belong to one hostess! If family time is what you want then make simple family get togethers with lots of photos! If anyone of us remember our best memories it usually involved simple activities. For me, going downtown and looking at Eatons and Simpsons store windows at Yonge and Queen still sticks out in my mind. Yes, the lights along University Avenue- driving by in a car. Trips to the mall are modern occurrences but are they really pleasant! There are small stores and bazaars looking for your business. Right now in Toronto there is the One of a Kind Craft Sale with artists from across the country selling their wares. If you can not make it, look it up online and find items you might like as they all have websites where you could order a wanted item! Embrace the Christ in Christmas and look to the community for ways to help like the toy drives and food bank donations. How are your Christmas preparations going? Are you feeling the pressure yet? What can you think can help in your world?
Or are you doing too much and it is just a blur?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


No matter how organized about preparation for the day and coordinating the lessons, September is a time to readjust to new grades, new schedules at work, lessons for the children and family obligations. Giving yourself time to adjust takes patience that often is difficult with the daily demands and whines of children! Slow down when you can! Make dinner a time to ask everyone how their day went! Or you can make it on the run like everything else and keep the pressure going! Have a midweek treat! Rely on the support team like the grandparents! Take it like everything else, one day at a time! The morning rush when children can be annoying with fighting and forgetting things or needing to pee at the last moment is painful! Try and Nana knows it is difficult to have patience. Even starting the routine leaving 15 minutes earlier than needed can give a breathing period if things get bogged down! Forgive yourself for not being a perfect parent! Yes, other parents may look as if they are managing better than you but stop looking at them and know you are doing the best job possible. Every time you think there has been a negative moment, hugs, I love you and we'll have time together later can help ease the moment! Some one said parenting is one of the toughest jobs so know your choice to have a family and raise those children was an honourable one! You will get through the day and the week, finding the positive, loving moments to enjoy! Like bedtime when the little ones are asleep and do look angelic!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Is an expression that brings hope to those during a dark or stressful time. Keeping focussed that life will get better allows us to cope and to keep going. Sometimes it actually is not a real light but could be a person, an idea, a solution to the problem. In your dark moments, keep looking for the light as it could present itself in so many different ways. Perhaps you could be the light in someone's life. Helping a friend through a hard time. Offering hands on assistance. Just being there!

Friday, June 10, 2011


The end of the school year can be so stressful with all the graduations- Kindergarten to Grade 1, Grade 8 to High School, leaving High School and finalizing where post-High School studies will occur. The social functions- school events- fun days, parent-teacher meetings, pot luck get togethers and if there are children's birthdys in the mix- busy, busy times. Of course, all the dance recitals, pictures, preparation and then the big night for the dancers. Signing up for the summer sports- baseball, soceer, swimming. Can we car pool? Who do we know?If a summer vacation, trip, camp is being planned then where, when, who and for how long. What should be a joyful preparation for the relaxing summer ahead seems more stressful for many than the Christmas season. The pressure to have children in academic endeavors over the summer weighs heavily on parents' heads. Nana says less is more. Creative play is good for children's souls as well as parents. Spending time together with real dialogue works. Getting through the activities of June with some enjoyment should be the goal as we all head into the summer. Did you ever go out in a boat- canoe, rowboat, motorboat, sailboat- with a parent as a child and just relax, talk? Lots of supplies at home to supplement the organized camps and learning opportunites helps. I remember reading and doing things at my own speed. We camped in Algonquin Park so days of swimming, canoeing, exploring. As you organize your children's time, remember to organize down time. Experts say children lose skills over the summer-should you be fearful if the little one does not do structured math for two months well buy some activity books to take to the cottage, car rides and keep those experts at bay! My children took swimming lessons during the year so the summer was a time to go to the beach, pool and consolidate the skills learnt. If all activities are not planned by the middle of June, why not plan to see how the summer will evolve and flow with some creative in the moment planning. Are you enjoying the June activities? Are you feeling the pressure of the end of the school year? Go into child mode and have activities that can be enjoyed by all. Remember whose need is it to run from activity to activity! And remember grandparents can be a big help with sleepovers and taking children to some events.