
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Teaching our children about nature can happen in many ways. As the trees start to change colour here in Ontario, I was reminded of a favourite childhood activity. In school and home, we would gather a variety of leaves from different trees to make a poster board of leaves or put some in a big book to be pressed over the next copy of months. A favourite technique was to take a leaf, put it between two pieces of waxed paper and press with a hot iron- of course the adult did it. Those waxed leaves could be taken to school to use in the Fall themes. Knowing Canadian trees is still good general knowledge for our children. Gathering the leaves helps to identify which leaf comes from which tree. So my grandchildren will help Nana get leaves from the Oak, Elm,  Maple, Plum, Pear, Ash, Pine trees in my yard or on the other yards nearby. Since I have lots of waxed paper to use, we can revitalize an old tradition. The little ones love collecting the pinecones from the various coniferous trees in my yard. There can also be a little lesson about the Boreal Forest in Ontario. Which trees stay green all year and which ones lose their leaves in the Fall? Of course, just helping them to look and see the beauty in the beautiful Fall colours. Or another old tradition- rack a big pile of leaves and let them jump in them! Sometimes children do not care what kind of leaf it is!

1 comment:

  1. A great idea that gives the kids instant gratification while learning something worthwhile.
