
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Sometimes there can be adages that you get what you deserve. What goes around comes around but does it? A work mate and I were discussing that some children act as if they do not come from the same family. Same parents- one child a leech, the other child appreciative. One child demanding, the other children willing to do their share. There are some very good parents that have bad children as adults. There are some dysfunctional parents whose children make their way differently in the world. Does a parent I know of an only child deserve his contempt for her? He claimed he was deprived of a good childhood because he could not have a motorcycle in his teens. His mother thought it was dangerous. Fast forward to his 50s- he had a motorcyle accident and ended up in Rehabiliation for several months! It can be interesting to see more children abandon their parents than parents abandon their children! So do we reap what we sow? Can years of hard work be waited out? Certainly. A layoff, sudden critical illness, natural disasters can change everything for no apparent reason to the people affected! If people got what they really deserved, less people would be able to achieve greatness with the Machiavellian approach to life!

1 comment:

  1. I think some people get their 'just desserts' but some, on the other hand, don't. I've seen the odd 'golden tongued' bureaucrat rise to the top in management without any other merit. I've also seen some hard-working professionals get tossed aside for sticking to their ethics.
