
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, August 8, 2011


One of the joys of summer is the local harvest. There are so many outdoor markets and roadside stands with fresh produce. I went to a small one yesterday at our local mall. Wednesday and Sunday- just a few stalls but an abundance of fresh produce. With my baskets of tomatoes and peaches plus a cheese bread later returned home. I always like to support the local farmers. Grocery stores are needed but summer buying outside is fun! Do you have local markets you like? Do you ever go picking your own fruit or vegetables? Years ago when I made my own jam, I liked to pick the fresh strawberries. No one eats the jam or pickles anymore so I stopped making my own. We buy the bottled passata for sauce now. Do you still make homemade jams and pickles?


  1. We really enjoy going to our local farmer's markets for farm-fresh produce. Some things you can only get at these markets include pickled beets and unusual relishes, home-made saskatoon pies, and the sweetest sweet corn.

  2. Yes I love the sweet corn. I also bought some cobs and had them for dinner.
