
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


The Cicadas are that large, winged insect with the sound of a high pitched whine that occur usually in mid-August. The sound is the mark of summer starting to wind down. This year we heard them in mid-July so I mentioned to my granddaughter it was a cicada. Today outside we could hear them and Sohpia said it's a cicada, Nana.  The funny thing is I do not think I have ever seen one- just heard them! I do not know much about them. I think they do no harm. At least I have never had a cicada bite- mosquitoe, spider, black fly but not a cicada. Their sound is always expected this time of year. Do you have cicadas in your area? What do you know about them?


  1. I heard but never saw cicadas until I vacationed in New Zealand years ago. During their late summer, they were everywhere on tree trunks and telephone poles. The males make the familiar sound.

    When very abundant, the females can be an important insect pest of trees, causing damage when they lay their eggs in twigs and branches.

  2. I knew the "bug guy" would hav valuable information.

  3. Typo- have not hav
