
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, August 29, 2011


These were the words stated over and over due to Hurricane Irene. How many lives were saved? No one will really know. The cynics say too much hype when it became a Tropical Storm- that caused billions of damage, anyway. I like to be as prepared as I can. I need to review all my emergency items like batteries, working flashlights, bottled water in the house. I even asked one of daughters about a safety plan of where we would meet if we all had to evacuate.  Even though I live in an Urban area, a few days without hydro or a flushable toilet would be uncomfortable. All our hearts, prayers and thoughts go to those affected by not only this natural disaster but the last few months that started with Spring floods to Summer storms and all that the weekend brought to the Eastern Seaboard. We will wait to see what the Fall and Winter will bring. No wonder we talk about the weather so much- it really does affect our lives no matter what technology exists!  Are you doing okay today? Were you affected by the weekend storm? Don't give up hope, you will recover!


  1. I find that, when I prepare for the worst, it never happens ...

  2. But if we don't prepare the worst can happen!
