
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, August 12, 2011


August is the melancholic time of year. The summer is starting to wind down. Some people still need to take their summer vacations. There is a pressure to enjoy every minute of the warm weather. So if there are some cool nights, it is too much of a reminder that Fall is around the corner. Wishful thinking that perhaps September will bring more warmer weather! Change of seasons can bring many moods. Everyone at my work this week has been very tired. Is it the daily demands and active schedule of an acute care hospital or the pull on our energy of change coming again? Mood swings can affect us. Those with clinical depression may be experiencing heightened mood swings! August is a time of harvest, enjoying the extended daylight, but seeing it as the last real month of summer- even though 3/4 of September is still summer. To me summer never lasts long enough. Do you enjoy summer? Has is your August? Vacation plans? Tell me your story!


  1. By astronomical definition, the (hot, sultry) dog days of summer occur during the period between July 3 and August 11. Therefore, they are already over. We should be feeling more energized, not tired or depressed, now that they're over. I love the cool nights we're starting to experience.

    The best part about summer ending is that I won't have to cut the grass and pull the weeds for awhile.

  2. I still like the hot! I love summer!
