
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, January 28, 2022


  I saw an interesting comment on Twitter about how not being able to go in a restaurant if unvaccinated is an affront on one's freedom.

The Truck convoy which has become more than unvaccinated truckers but an excuse for many others to use the event for their own political extreme values.

Then yesterday being International Holocaust Remembrance Day. And yes this whole debate has been compared shamefully to it.

I was called Pro Nazi on one twitter field for standing up for vaccines. Another guy said Stalin would love me.

Because I believe in Public Health protocols.

The same people do not realize that every time a cell phone is used or a car is driven or one walks into a store there are cameras watching us.

Use your credit card.

Present you Health Card for medical services.

To travel to other countries a Passport and sometimes with a Visa for that country.

Well you get the picture.

Trolls are always looking for a way to criticize.

Like most Canadians, the silent majority we are just tired of all the nonsense debate. We would like to be through Covid safely and move on with our lives.

I like responsible law and order. I respect the laws of the land. Anyone can decide to try to change the laws through Parliament and other channels. Laws are a reflection of the society around them. Laws evolve.

Laws keep us safe.

Other generations fought wars to protect our Freedom. So the freedom of the unvaccinated comes with consequences.

Like so many people I am looking forward to the Endemic. I am willing to live with the fact covid will be around for a long time. But like other diseases with proper vaccines they are no longer a threat.

Smallpox. Measles. Polio. To name a few. Vaccines put them at bay.

What are you thoughts? Are you just tired of all the debate? Do you just want to read a book with your favourite beverage at your side? Do you want a Canadian walk in the snow? 


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