
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 With Covid stay at home as much as possible orders, the Artic blast, the January blahs and blues, I have found organizing many clutter corners good for my mental health.

My Secretary desk area was messy. So using little organizing plastic envelopes I used two plastic clear boxes. One for the tickets, folders, and items from events attended by Adolph and me and the other for sports, outside memorabilia that may one day be a collectible. Extras of these items I put in the grandchildren memory boxes. Clear boxes are best because it easy to see what is in the box.

Some items were just garbage so into the recycling bins.

Then my computer desk area. Used little organizing items to put the various projects. 

The family history stories in one, the charts to be used for the pedigree lines, the various items obtained from research to use in the stories- for example a picture of the school my mother attended and semi completed family stories.

I put my Widow Series short stories where I can find them. My Memories of series all together. 

Until a few days ago, just piles on my work table that is now clear and functional to spread out information if I need to do it.

I still have to rewrite my lists of online sites with passwords that grows. Honestly I find myself using many sites as a guest because always trying to find the username and password is cumbersome. 

If I order an item from a food site, once or twice a year it is hard to relocate the password so keeping a well organized list does save time. But under my list right now are notes of new ones added in the last two years. So January is a good time to tackle this boring task, right?

It seems trite but when I look at an organized area it gives me energy to tackle another one.

A big area is my laundry room. I have been shortlisting all the tools, screws and handyman or I guess handywoman items from a cupboard outside the laundry room. The items are piled on a table for easy viewing. Right now messy viewing. 

Some items may be good to sell at some point. 

So why good for my Mental Health? By tackling these small areas it is gearing me up to tackle the larger areas of my life.

So January bring on the organizing!!


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