
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 12, 2013


What is a friend? How does a new acquaintance become a friend? What draws us to certain people? Why is there such an incredible loss when we lose a friend- dies, moves away or dumps us?A childhood friend can decide you are not cool anymore! Some family members can be friends. Many children from large families only have their siblings as friends. New additions to families like a sweet sister-in-law can be a friend. And sometimes not! There are work friends-male and female. Although the old adage is a man can not have a woman as a friend. I don't believe this. I have had male friends because I don't make it sexual. Very simple!  Gay men make great friends! Sometimes cousins become friends! There is a blood connection as well as understanding the family dynamics. As a mother, I am not my child's friend but I can be supportive, friendly, loving and understanding. My children need to have their own friends. It is good to have friends of all ages. I can be the wise woman or just an old lady younger people like to have around for guidance! So are you a good friend! Do you like the company of your friends? Names like Rose, Mary, Larry, Lynda and others come to mind! Even my sister Marilee is a good friend! Who would your people be?

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