
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Sometimes we can find ourselves bored with many areas of our lives. To say " I am bored" can have many implications. What is boring? What activities do you do that bring this feeling? Many things we do routinely can be boring but necessary. The same old work meetings, the same old household tasks, the same old drive to work- well can be boring. Can we use this feeling of boredom to trigger us to find things in our lives that are not boring? Doing a boring activity like yard work but the end result is a pretty garden with the reward of it just looking good! Cleaning that cluttered closet-boring- but with the feeling of a job well done. Finishing those many little projects that take energy to complete- patch the hole in the wall, wash the car, sew on some buttons- well you know what those little projects can be. Boredom prompts us in many ways. Doing the boring things first enables us to move on to the ones with rewards. Household task, then continue reading the book. Reviewing the charts then go see the patients. Editing the written word then continue to write something creative. Boredom, boring are wasted energy users! Can we label the tasks differently? Is procrastination connected with boredom? My Dad used to say- People that are bored are also boring! Hum, some food for thought!

1 comment:

  1. I might be boring sometimes but I'm rarely bored. There is so much to learn, through people, books, and the internet. My problem is I find so many different things to be interesting.
