
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So all the articles and home advice written currently. I spilled something in my bag I use for work - my purse, makeup bag, lunch etc. So emptied the items and washed the bag and cloth purse. Interesting- one grey knee high, old receipts, and other silly odds and ends along with the needed items. My thought- what if I was found and these items were all I had with me- what would the profilers say? Okay I watch too many crime shows. It did remind me of the times of cleaning out someone else's stuff. A person passes away and someone must go through the things. Why did an article get kept? A bit of a hoarder! The person was not as organized as he/she looked on the outside. Saving some momentos that were from another time. Do we declutter for organizing or do we want to hide our secrets? Getting rid of old diaries, sorting letters and cards and burning bills from early years can be activities that are ongoing. Especially clothes- are there items bought on sale that were never worn? Just letting go! Okay if we discard then there is room to buy new things! I have favourite magazines stacked by the door to put somewhere. No not the recycling bin but for someone else to read. The lounges at work are a good place! Having cleaned out parts of two different parental homes, I view my stuff with an eye that my children may have to go through it one day. Anytime an area becomes too well- cluttered- I think of them.  Couples remarrying and merging two homes can go through this process. Of course, downsizing one day may solve some problem for me. How about you? Does Spring bring an urge to purge?

1 comment:

  1. It always amazes me how much stuff we collect over time. The only problem with de-cluttering is that, as soon as we get rid of things, we need them again and wish we'd kept them.
