
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, April 1, 2013


April 1 known for April Fools' practical jokes and pranks throughout the world and throughout history. As you know I love history so I decided to some research only to have my head swimming in facts and no real definitive answer about the day. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales-1892 has some reference to the day. The Persian Nowruz is credited for being the 13th day after their New Year's. Even changing the calendar from the Julian to the Gregorian has taken some credit. The French attach paper fish to the backs of people-poisson l'avril or even the Italians-pesce d'aprile are supposedly attached. A day to perform those pranks but only until noon. Why in Canada? Apparently whatever customs existed in France, Britain and the Netherlands were brought to the colonies in North America. So no jokes from me! Why not? I never liked practical jokes. I always have found them to be too passive-aggressive! Even when teasing or joking, there can always be an undercurrent of harm or resentment! I like funny jokes and humour and nice surprises! I can even laugh at myself! I laugh at my husband, my cute klutz! But today everyone is allowed to play those practical jokes! So are you an April Fool? Did someone play a joke on you? Or are you the prankster?

1 comment:

  1. The only April fool is the one playing tricks on someone ...
