
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Each month can bring a birthday celebration in large families. When it's a child's birthday, then there is additional excitement. Birthday parties have expanded to large indoor playgrounds, cooking lessons, reptile or magic shows! Just to name a few! A large balloon with the party's theme is a given.
Or just a big Happy Birthday! Despite the amount of money that is often spent on birthdays parties, a parent can spend less with the main "ingredients" occurring. The balloon, a cake with the child's name and some presents! A few friends for a dinner, lunch, or movie that does not have to break the bank! Of course, older children like money! Often there is a family birthday celebration where other family members can bring some food to help the parents! Children remember they were the centre of attention for their day. Loot bags with little goodies let the other children feel the fun! Of course the "big kids", i.e. the grandparents, usually enjoy the celebration as much as the little kids. Like this Nana, someone to take copious pictures to share with family members! There are three celebrating this month- one big girl-after 29 ages are not recorded- and two little ones- a grandson turning 5 and a little great-nephew turning 1! So Happy Birthday to all who celebrate this month!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree ... so much fun for all and it can be done frugally.
