
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The blogging world is an intersting one. I always wished I could have had this luxury in my life at a young age. Loving to write  has  a forum with this blog. As my regular readers know, I try to post every day. Some posts better than others. My recurring themes- a  postcard from, nana says, clinical, as well as some whimsical, historical, genealogical, gardening and many misc. ones fill the posts. Readers come from all over the world but there are many from Russia, Germany and the United States. Family and friends read regularly so thanks goes out to you. Using my photos allows another creative edge to my day and life. Wherever I go I look for images, symbols and ideas for the blog. I tell people I blog as I am always trying to market it. Hoping it will continue to take me in new directions. So where will it-this blog of mine take me for the next 1000 if I have the blessing of continuing to write, research and explore the world in which I live? Will you come back and visit?

1 comment:

  1. I look on your web log as a kind of edublog. It often contains thoughtful and instructional resources. Always interesting, your photos enhance the content of your posts. Keep those posts coming!
