
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Committing to 20 minutes of activities can help to achieve something in your day. I remember an exercise program called the 20 minute workout that many people put down. I followed it for awhile and yes the program did help my body. It was actually 30 minutes because one was supposed to keep moving during the commercials. My body became toned. My walk to work is 20 minutes. My power walk on the weekend is 25 but if I try to walk faster I could probably reduce it to 20 minutes. Getting ready to go out and you have 20 minutes- empty a dishwasher, fold some laundry, write cheques for some bills- well you get the picture. Pockets of 20 minutes can occur throughout the day where there are many achievable tasks. Usually if we start with a small period of time for exercise, for example, there is incentive to do a little more. Personally I can not commit to drive to a gym and work out for two hours. I have bought exercise equipment for home use and will commit to the shorter time. Starting with one session in the morning and working on another at night becomes a good start. Yes, what often happens is the time increases.The time it takes to write my average post is 20 minutes-dedicated time first thing in the morning. My husband organizes his meal items in the morning and often it takes 20 minutes to finish the meal before it is ready to be served at dinner time.Unless he is making homemade egg noodles!  I organize my worksheets in the morning at work-usually about 20 minutes. The day is full of 20 minute intervals to use. If you are having a lazy or depressing day, saying to yourself-"well I could do something for 20 minutes." Sometimes it just helps to get started. 20 minutes is such a little part of the hour. Of course there are many activities that are 60 minutes long, a half day or a full day. By breaking them into shorter intervals, may help to get going! The garden- it can seem overwhelming but if one patch, 20 minutes at a time is attacked then work does get done. Biting off the little bits of any job eventually leads to the whole job being finished. There are 3 - 20 minute intervals in each hour of each day. Be creative in how you can use them! So what can you achieve in 20 minutes? Surprisingly, quite a lot!

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