
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


In my busy work life there is not always time to peruse the local newspapers. In the Greater Toronto Area there are 4 papers- The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, The National Post and The Globe and Mail. One of my pleasures when I have the time is to sit and peruse all the local papers. The ones I have missed during the week are also given a read! Different articles may catch my eye. The synopsis of a new study gives some new learning. I like to jot notes as I read as well as write out words. I actually came up with some post ideas from my reading. Yes it is possible to get breaking news online and to watch the news on TV but there is something very real about looking through a newspaper and finding articles that are inviting. The best sellers, craft ideas, different viewpoints on a current event and just the sundry and positive items to gain some new knowledge. It was a good venture as it helps to jolt the senses to bring some new and fresh ideas to this blog. Sundays or vacation days or babysitting the grandchildren when they are asleep are opportune times to search the newspapers for interesting reflections. Do you like to read the newspaper in your area? Daily? Weekly? Does it meet a different need than reading online? There is the smell of the paper that makes it worthwhile. Of course, you may get some newsprint on your fingers!

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