
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, January 11, 2013


In a clinical assessment, a sense of humour is an important indicator of mood. It is a strength. There is no joking around when discussing serious illness initially. When a relationship is established relaxing and sharing a joke with laughing  brings depth to the situation. A tense meeting or dinner party can benefit from some laughter! Depressed people do not laugh! A good marriage needs jovial times! Even some comments made on my blog show the sense of humour of the individuals! Being able to take a joke and laugh at ourselves allows for constructive criticism positively! Children laugh their heads off at times at the silliest things! It is why grandparents find them lots of fun! A reminder life is too short not to laugh occasionally- at least once daily! Different cultures laugh at different things! Men have their own jokes. Most women laugh at men's bad habits- if they want to remain sane!!There is a difference of making fun of someone and having a good chuckle. Put down sarcasm is not humour! So have you laughed today? Did you tell a good and tasteful joke? Do you laugh in your relationship? Do you put some fun in your day? I remember the Barrie tornado- one couple who had lost their home, put up a sign- Gone with the Wind! What an indicator they were going to get through their tremendous loss!!

1 comment:

  1. Humour kept me going during some of the difficult times in my career, both as a civic employee and as a consultant. It still helps me during my retirement. I laughed today when my dog left the vet's ... she peed at the bottom of the front steps. Seems my dog also has a sense of humour.
