
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 9, 2011


This is blog 501. It has been an adventure to find ideas and themes to keep writing. The advice of other bloggers is to write every day. It is such good advice as it creates a discipline of blogging. Wednesday is easy- now it is my Nana says theme. Sunday too- with a Postcard From! The other 5 days bring many challenges and sometimes a photo I took weeks ago with a blog idea in mind which can finally be used. Since I can follow how many pageviews occur on each blog and who in the world is reading me, I am constantly amazed at the the blogs with the most "reads". People in the world are interested in the down to earth Canadian themes I have written. Yes, not regularly but I have had readers from every continent. There are regular readers not only from Canada and the United States but Germany and Russia. So to those readers thank you for visiting. Writing advice from years ago states to write about what you know. Trying to be an expert on everything, well it does not work. Some of my clinical blogs have responses on my private email. Some people have complained they can not comment so email me your comments or find me on facebook and comment there. I will add your comments to the blogs. As most of you know, I love Narrative Therapy which using your story to help to reflect and honour your strengths. Thus I want to hear and know and think about your reactions and real thoughts to any blog. Do they conjure up ideas and thinking?
As a clinical Social Worker, I always want to reach others who may be struggling with a problem and need some guidance to find the right person or resouces to help. Even the right book! Like my favourite- A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis on his journey with his grief after his beloved wife died.
I love blogging as it helps me to consolidate many areas and interests in my life. I hope you have enjoyed reading and sharing with me. Are there any favourite blogs you have enjoyed? Tell me. Are there themes you would like me to consider for you and your group? What do you want to know about Canada and this Canadian? Are there parenting or family issues you are seeking guidance? Crafts, gardening, photography can be used to work with problem areas in your life-they work for me! So please keep on reading and helping me to challenge myself to write!

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'd better write more often in my blog. You're quickly catching up to my 542 posts! I enjoy reading everything you write. Sometimes your posts puzzle me; other times, they entertain or educate me. But always I enjoy them. I especially like the ones that are illustrated with your photos.
