
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I made the mistake at an all day meeting yesterday to say I am so ready for Christmas. One of the managers at the table prepared to tell how busy she is, going home at 7 or 8 every night trying to fit things in and could not possibly be all ready. She looked at me, rather implying if I am ready then perhaps I am just not as busy as she is. Hum! Time- we all have the same 24 hours in  a day. Christmas comes on the 25th every year. We can check the calendar January 1 and know when it will occur again. I realized again- organized, prepared people often are resented! I start to think about any event days, months in advance. I buy little Christmas presents throughout the year and really start to watch the sales come September. Then closer to Christmas I watch for those daily specials that are in flyers or come straight to the home computer through emails. I have even done some online shopping this year as well as going to the Mall! Christmas cards are done 5 at a time- starting with the International ones, then the USA then Canada. This year I did not put all my Christmas decorations in the house so took 4 hours instead of 8 to decorate. Two weeks before Christmas put up the Christmas tree and of course, wrap presents as I go. A little at a time and using my time effectively! This Saturday I will be helping the girls by babysitting my grandchildren to free them to do some errands, shopping etc. I leave time to do the things I really enjoy! Spending time with the little ones and doing a Christmas activity or two will be fun. If they become too rowdy- with the 3 of them then it will be movie time! After they go home, I can reward myself with sitting by my Christmas tree doing my favourite activities. I am surprised that with my low mood and worrying about my folks I have pulled off another organized and fun time for Adolph and me and our family. Is it easy to be on schedule? Not really! Do I push myself to get things done often? Yes! Do I like being resented? Not really! Do I really care? Sometimes! So the next time someone has pulled off an organized and well planned event in your life show some appreciation! That person made the effort to give the family around him or her a good time!  a festive table with good food takes thought, time, effort and love! If you are struggling this Christmas, remember less is more. Are there activities you can cut back and do the things that have the most meaning? If you do not get everything done, do not be too hard on yourself! There are other days and occasions in the year to show your stuff!

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