
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 30, 2011


As one year begins to end and we anticipate a new one, it is always time for reflection. If it has had difficulties, there are is always the hope things will get better. Sometimes I have heard from others next year can't be worse than this one. Well don't bet on it! I usually suggest to think about what you have been able to survive, look at your strengths, and do not look too far down the road ahead! Things can always get worse, get better or stay the same! Funny but in the real world there are often fewer choices than we think. Even in some of our darkest moments, there have been rays of hope, positive people, funny twists and turns. 2011- a 40th anniversary for Adolph and me, crisis with my folks, same job that I love, challenging myself through whatever has come my way, a loving family and being there for others dealing with stressful and painful situations. Feeling good about a cousin's wedding, attending a grandson's first birthday, knowing a niece is pregnant, seeing my granddaughter start to get her second teeth, reading to two other grandsons and keeping up my blogging- even if some days it is a real stretch to write something, anything! Learning a new tech thing- well maybe I will finally know how to use my new RIM Playbook before 2011 ends! There have been many normal moments that make a life. I have learnt to stop and enjoy the little events in life-perhaps it is an aging thing! To feel good about just being, doing and noticing the world around me. Trying to turn any regrets that sneak into my life by looking for a solution, a challlenge, a positive twist! The half finished writing projects- to keep plugging away- even with all life's interruptions! To honour those that have touched my life! On those days where it is a struggle to get out of bed, to put one foot down at a time and move forward. Like someone said Seize the Day! Have a purpose, a goal, a task, and a life will evolve. Oh yes, remember to dream and then think about how to make those dreams a reality! 2011- what will be your thoughts and memories of the year?

1 comment:

  1. My memories of 2011 are mostly written in my blog or posted to my Flickr page. And, it's a good thing they're in these places because, otherwise, I'd probably forget many of them. Of course, there are many other memories but those are too personal to publish. Cheers to you and Adolph, now and in the future.
