
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


As many of you know, I love hand crafts. Crocheting is one of them. I made this Christmas blanket or afghan as some would call it a few years ago. It comes out for a month or so in the Christmas season to keep me warm or have a snuggle on the couch beside my Christmas Tree. The red, white and green are the season's colours. They also could be Italian or Mexican as they have those colours in their flags! So you could make a Christmas blanket but pull it out for Italian and Mexican visitors as well! This blanket used many small balls of scrap yarn. There was no pattern- just did each row with a stitich that suited the texture of the wool!  I find myself this year working on another afghan with the same theme in mind- to use up some scraps but this time in fall colours. A purple knitted scarf is also on the go. Sometimes I feel like crocheting and sometimes knitting. The handcrafting activity allows me to sit with busy hands and watch those sappy Christmas movies without the feeling I should be busier! It is very relaxing to sit and enjoy! Since the project has no deadline, there is a sense of contentment. Should Christmas be just about being busy? Can you find some activities in your day to find the peace and contentment of the season? If not come to my house, I'll teach you to knit or crochet or you can just enjoy my company as we have a good gab or watch one a movie or two!

1 comment:

  1. I have two afghans, both in fall colours, that I use daily. One covers a fabric chair in the living room and the other covers my pillows on my bed. They are used as a protective barrier because one dog spends a lot of time on the chair and the other dog a lot of time on my bed. They soak up eau-de-dog nicely and are washed regularly!
