
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, January 3, 2011


There is so much advice and suggestions everywhere how to be the perfect wife, the perfect husband, the best sex goddess, perfect body and ageless face. We are bombarded every day to eat the best diet, the best exercise! Well love me flaws and all should be the message given. Learn to love yourself-flaws and all. Yes, eat well, exercise and enjoy your relationships respecting each others differences rather than working at them. Learn to love the others in your life-flaws and all! I remember watching a celebrity and his wife talking about marriage many years ago. They were a Christian couple. The wife said she wanted her husband to be different and support their relationship the way she wanted it to be. One day the idea occurred to her, she would be the person she wanted her spouse to be with a loving example everyday. By using her own flaws and strengths she changed the marriage. It is important to acknowledge and try to change your weaknesses-flaws. To become a better person! But a better person for whom? Do it for yourself! Who is to say? You are quite good just the way you are! Do you recognize your flaws? Do you love yourself anyway? We all want to be the best we can be-flaws and all!

1 comment:

  1. Improvements in our outer appearance are a byproduct of improvements in our inner appearance, something usually only we can see clearly.
