
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Can come at the oddest moments in our lives. We can be looking at a situation from one direction, then the wind blows and we see it from the new perspective. A new understanding occurs. In a therapeutic process, the counsellor facilitates the linkages between the cause and the effect for the individual. The insight must come from the person in order to gain his/her own personal understanding. The dictionary meaning simply says- insight is the capacity of understanding hidden truths. For all of us, the connections will not be the same. One event does not have the same exact impact on everyone. For example, both my mother and a good friend of hers had lost their mothers at a very young age. One day when Arlene was visiting and discussing circumstances about an elderly aunt that she always helped. She had been very involved in her life even though the aunt did not seem to appreciate it. The aunt was related to her deceased mother. I remember remarking to her that she might just be a mother substitute for her. It was as if a light went off in Arlene's head. She stated do you mean I have been looking for my mother all these years? Insight. It gave her a renewed perspective and acceptance that she would continue to help the aunt. The relationship was vital to her. She had a much needed daughter role. What amazes me about insight is the time it may take to occur! Often in my life, I have questioned myself. Why didn't I figure something out sooner? We can hear our own voices saying the solution was right under our noses all the time. Perhaps we are not ready to accept the insightful meanings to events. Perhaps it is the living and the paths we take that bring us to them when we are ready. Have you had any new insightful moments recently? Do you have a story?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we get insight only after we get hit over the head with something ... or is that hindsight?
