
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


While playing in the backyard with my
grandchildren, it made me think of the joys experienced with snow in my life. Nothing special occurred- we shovelled all the snow on the back porch into a big pile in order to make a future snowman when we have good packing snow for the head; wandered on the garden paths and made some snow angels. Little children can make play out of anything- a shovel, stick and snow! I was viewing the experience from the child's point of view. With all the gadgets, flashcards, electronic devices and the push to have little children constantly trying to be smarter and more advanced for their ages, the concept of imagination and cooperative play can be pushed aside. A backyard of snow and the fun of being outdoors was enough for the kids! Their parents take them skating and I believe some sledding activities will occur over the winter. The romp in the yard however brought lots of enjoyment! The grandkids wanted to stay outside longer-it was Nana who became cold and wanted the warmth of indoors! Can you make creative play from snow? Can you become the little child enjoying the simplicity of it? Can you put your gadgets aside taking in the outdoors?

1 comment:

  1. Novel photo idea for 2011!

    The best toy a kid can have is his/her imagination.
