
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Winter brings the snow and the opportunity to see summer images with a winter theme. Photographers find the white accentuates the remaining summer vegetation in our gardens. The combination gives us many interesting photos. Lately my thoughts have turned to earlier life goals, relationships and dreams. How to incorporate those into life's continual aging process? It is not all or nothing but a work in progress. Do you find ways to combine the old with the new? Are you reinventing yourself? Do you like your new self? Like the seasons, we are in flux. Some people only spend their winters in warmer climates to avoid the winter and snow. Do we know others who try to deny life is moving them along? Do we become the person who avoids the winter of our lives pretending it is still summer or do we embrace each season with its unique offering? What do you think?


  1. Interesting, how people associate the seasons with phases of their life. Maybe, I should say 'older people' for I'm sure it never crosses the mind of a child. Certainly, winter gives us time to reflect. Reflection is often an indoor activity in this country of ours, at least during winter. Or, is 'reflection' the right word; maybe, it's 'introspection'. Reflection seems to be thinking about something outside of ourselves whereas introspection seems to be examining ourselves. Regardless, the positive thing about all this is that spring is coming; winter is almost half over.

  2. Yes spring then do we get the old "spring in our step" back. I still walk in the winter and try to do some outdoor activities with the grandchildren to enjoy this season and not just tolerate it.
