
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Til it's gone. A line from the Joni Mitchell 's 1970's song- Big Yellow Taxi, has been playing through my head today. Reminds me of my 20's- a statement song on the environment. It also reminds me to think of enjoying what I have before it's gone. Too often, we all rush through events in our lives. Having my little grandchildren reminds me to enjoy all their stages- even those terrible twos do not seem so terrible to me now! Just a stage! The little boys in my life are actually quite delightful with their language development soaring! Of course Joni's song has been recorded by other modern artists- it's a great song. Are you enjoying now? Are you enjoying the things in your life? Regrets- I've had a few!! If we all lived and enjoyed what we have in the present, still planning for our future as needed, life would have few regrets as well! Are you humming her song now?

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