
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Spoils the barrel is a wonderful figure of speech. In reality a rotting apple if not taken from the bunch can spread mould and disease affecting the other apples. I researched this saying for some ideas. Some people are very cynical saying if surrounded by bad apples we all will be affected and what- we all become bad. On a positive note, People can make choices to get rid of the bad apples in their midst or to be around them as little as possible. Yes, negative, mouldy people can influence us and even help create toxic environments. We do not have to become corrupt or bad just because it exists in the world. In families there are often bad apples. They create miserable family get togethers for awhile until families change and those individuals are not included. We used to have a really bad apple in our family. Sunday lunches and other holiday occasions were a real drag. No matter how happy we all wanted to be, the bad apple would rake up any miserable event to make the happy occasion as miserable as he was and still is! Our barrel does not include that rotten apple anymore! Guess what? Family get togethers are a little chaotic with the grandchildren but fun and endearing. It takes courage not to succumb to the negativity of the rotten apple- just get rid of it! Families can confront their rotten apples making it clear if you can't be happy then stay away! Just because we are related to someone does not mean that person has to be included in our lives! It is said we can chose our friends but not our relatives.Well, we can exclude whoever we want. Have there been rotten apples in your life? Have did you handle them? Is there a rotten apple you would like to put on the compost pile? Take the courage and do it now. Surround yourself with healthy apples. Don't take a chance of spoiling your barrel of life!

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